Converting kotlin to java
Converting kotlin to java

converting kotlin to java

Convert Kotlin Source File to Java Source File

converting kotlin to java converting kotlin to java

  • To use Java-specific features like operator overloading and static methods.
  • Compile and run in Java to detect bugs or other issues.
  • We may need to convert our Kotlin source file to Java for the following reasons: Hence, converting a Kotlin source code file to a Java one is essential. Kotlin’s success is because of interoperability with Java as both use Java Virtual Machine (JVM). But that does not mean we would not require to use Java. Google declared Kotlin as the preferred language for Android app development.
  • Convert Kotlin Code to Java Code Using FernFlower.
  • Convert Kotlin Code to Java Using Android Studio/IntelliJ IDEA.
  • Convert Kotlin Source File to Java Source File.

  • Converting kotlin to java